Pid marksystsko-leninskym praporom [Under the Marxist-Leninist Banner] 1935 No3: Kharkiv: Partvydav TsK KP(b)U, 1935, 133 p.


О. Dzenis (ed)





The June Plenum of the Central Committee of the AUCP(b) (1935)

M. М. Popov. It is necessary to study the history of the CP(B)U

О. Dzenis. On introducing certain changes to the Constitution of the Soviet Union

І. Sapov. The Ukrainian SSR's trade turnover plan for 1935 and the next tasks of soviet trade

А. Petrov. On the issues of Soviet trade at the present stage

М. Shovkoplias. On the the sabotage by the bloc of nationalists and Trotskyists in the field of philosophy

К. Pol. On the 80th anniversary of the uprising of the Potemkin Panzer


Criticism and bibliography

Т. Skubytskyi. Against the platform of the counter-revolutionary bloc of nationalist and Trotskyist fragments in the Ukrainian history textbook

М. Yushmanov. On the monograph of the Institute of Philosophy "Formation of a New Attitude to Labour and Property"


Academic chronicle

L. Hittel. Speech at the academic session of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (March 1935) on the report of academician M. Paliyenko "Political structure of capitalist countries on the way to fascism"

P. Kharchenko. Some results of the work of the department of scientific propaganda of UAMLIN


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June 30, 2024