Pid marksystsko-leninskym praporom [Under the Marxist-Leninist Banner] 1935 No4: Kharkiv: Partvydav TsK KP(b)U, 1935, 122 p.


О. Dzenis (ed)




VII World Congress of the Communist International

M. M. Popov. Two Worlds (speech at the VII World Congress of the Communist International)

V. Smolnyi. On the results of the VII World Congress of the Communist International


To the 40th anniversary of the death of F. Engels

A. Saradzhev. Engels and materialist dialectics as a philosophical science

Ye. Nirinska. F. Engels on socialist property

An. Rozanov. Engels and the question of L. Feuerbach’s theory of knowledge


Question of the history of Ukrainian literature

I. Stebun. The creative development of M. M. Kotsiubynskyi


In memory of Henri Barbusse

A. Saradzhev. Speech at the memorial evening dedicated to the memory of Henri Barbusse

А. Velichkov. Henri Barbusse and the Western European intellectuals


Academic chronicle

In the presidium of the UAMLIN

V. Hurystrymba. On the work of the UAMLIN Institute of History


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June 30, 2024