Pid marksystsko-leninskym praporom [Under the Marxist-Leninist Banner] 1935 No5: Kharkiv: Partvydav TsK KP(b)U, 1935, 186 p.
Speech by Comrade Stalin at the First All-Union Meeting of Stakhanovites
P. P. Postyshev. Speech at the meeting of Stakhanovites in Kyiv on 27.X –1935
P. P. Postyshev. The results of the agricultural year and our tasks (Speech at the Plenum of the Kyiv Regional Committee of the CP(B)U on 3.XI-35)
Ways of the Great Proletarian Revolution in Ukraine
Y. V. Stalin. The Rada (Central Rada of UPR) and the Council of People's Commissars in Ukraine
Y. V. Stalin. On the Kyiv bourgeois Rada
Y. V. Stalin. Speech at the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies
M. M. Popov. Ways of the Great Proletarian Revolution in Ukraine
О. Dzenis. The Italo-Ethiopian War
А. Nebii. Wages and the improvement of the financial position of the proletariat
M. Shelkoplias. Lenin's " Materialism and Empirio-criticism" and some issues of the materialist understanding of history
Questions of the History of Ukrainian Literature
P. Kolesnyk. I. Ya. Franko's social and political views and their evolution
Criticism and bibliography
А. Shevchenko. On the publication of V. I. Lenin's works in Ukrainian
P. Indychenko. To fully expose reactionary propaganda on customary law
M. Plisetskyi. The new edition of «Fata Morgana»
Academic chronicle
Draft plan of the "History of Ukraine" course
In the presidium of the UAMLIN
P. Kharchenko. On the propaganda of the decisions of the VII Congress of the Communist International (work of the Department of Scientific Propaganda of UAMLIN)
R. Burgatovska. On the work of the Institute of Soviet Construction and Law
P. Perelshtein. A scheme for studying and describing the best kolkhozes of Ukraine