Prapor Marksyzmu-Leninizmu [The Banner of Marxism-Leninism], 1932 No1: Kharkiv: Partvydav “Proletar» [Party Publishing House “Proletar”] 1932, 169 p.


Editorial board: F. Bilyaev, Ya. Bludov, R. Levyk, М. Orlov, Т. Stepovyi, V. Yurynets




Tasks of Marxist-Leninist philosophy in the light of decisions of the XVII Party Conference

Stalin Y. – About some issues of the history of Bolshevism

Shteinberg E. – Trotskyism – the vanguard of the bourgeois counter-revolution

Stepovyi T. – Distortion in the materialistic understanding of Plekhanov's history

Bludov Ya., Levyk R., Semkovskyi S. – To the 100th anniversary of Hegel's death

Gaibov I., Ignatiuk D. – Social sources and class function of religion

Yurynets V. – About Max Adler's book "Textbook of Material Understanding of History"

Abdula P., Uraltsev M., Kushyk A. – About P. Demchuk's book: "The Decay of Modern Bourgeois Philosophy”

Hoffman, Novikov M., Yurynets V. – About the textbook "Dialectical Materialism" edited by Eisenberg, Tymyansky, Shyrokov

Bilyaev F., Stepovy T. – About "Essays on historical materialism" edited by Medvediev and Shirvindt

Genes S. – Experience in compiling programs for medical universities

Halperin. – About the discussion on the psychological front

Plan of research work of the Institute of Philosophy and Natural Sciences

I. D. Vorobyov (obituary)

Statute of the All-Ukrainian Society of Militant Materialists-Dialecticists

Regulations on TVMD support groups


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