Prapor Marksyzmu-Leninizmu [The Banner of Marxism-Leninism], 1932 No2-3: Kharkiv: Partvydav “Proletar» [Party Publishing House “Proletar”], 1932, 212 p.


Editorial board: F. Bilyaev, Ya. Bludov, R. Levyk, М. Orlov, Т. Stepovyi, V. Yurynets




In memory of M. M. Pokrovskyi

Bervytskyi O. – War danger and the task of the theoretical front

Adriianov – The main regularity of the transition period

Bilyarchyk N. – The proletariat and the peasantry in the light of the tasks of the second five-year plan

Shteinberg E. – Historical materialism as a science

Stepovyi T. – The theory of spontaneity of Rosa Luxemburg

Bervytskyi O. – Notes about Plekhanov

Novikov M. – Criticism of Plekhanov's understanding of productive forces

Lohvin M. – Lenin's stage of development of dialectical materialism

Lvovych S. – About the Trotskyist and mechanistic falsification of the Marxist-Leninist theory of atheism

Hofman F. Volnov Yu. (no comas) – Ishchenko T. Short philosophical dictionary

Resolutions of the All-Ukrainian General Plenum of the TVMD


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