Prapor Marksyzmu-Leninizmu [The Banner of Marxism-Leninism], 1932 No5-6: Kharkiv: Partvydav “Proletar» [Party Publishing House “Proletar”], 1932, 216 p.


Editorial board: F. Bilyaev, Ya. Bludov, R. Levyk, М. Orlov, Т. Stepovyi, V. Yurynets



R. Levik – Basics of the Marxist-Leninist theory of the proletarian revolution
A. Milhevskyi – The problem of the withering away of the state in the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin
M. Novikov – Teachings about the construction and victory of socialism in the USSR in the works of comrade Stalin
Premysler and Stepovyi – Problems of the cultural revolution
F. Hofman and V. Yurinets – B. Spinoza
O. Miloslavin – To critics of the main problems of Kant's philosophy
F. Hofman – Marx and Engels about philosophy in their correspondence
V. Yurynets – Ukrainian Philosophical Front
Ya. Bilyk – Philosophy of Ukrainian fascism
Articles included in the "Banner of Marxism-Leninism" for 1932


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