Naukovi zapysky [Scientific Papers] of the Institute of Philosophy [AS of the Ukrainian SSR]. Volume 2, 1954, About some philosophical issues of natural science: Kyiv: AS of the UkrSSr publ., 1954, 130 p.


Editorial board: D. Kh. Ostrianyn (executive editor), M. E. Omelianovskyi, O. V. Shuhailin, G. V. Melashchenko, G. G. Yemelianenko, I. P. Golovakha



Ya. M. Savenko – Marxism-Leninism on the objective character of the laws of nature and society
M. E. Omelianovskyi – The theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism and the so-called principle of observability in physics
M. B. Vilnytskyi – Lomonosov's materialism and his views on space
O. V. Shuhailin – F. O. Bredikhin – an outstanding Russian astronomer-materialist
D. Kh. Ostrianyn – I. I. Mechnikov's struggle against idealism and metaphysics in biology


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