Naukovi zapysky [Scientific Papers] of the Institute of Philosophy [AS of the Ukrainian SSR]. Volume 6, 1959, From the history of domestic philosophical and socio-political thought: Kyiv: AS of the UkrSSr publ., 1959, 140 p.


Editorial board: D. Kh. Ostrianyn (executive editor), I. I. Pidhrushnyi, V. Yu. Yevdokymenko



V. G. Antonenko – The struggle for the triumph of Marxist-Leninist ideology in Ukraine during the first years of Soviet rule
O. S. Lysenko – Socio-political views of Ostap Terletskyi
I. M. Kulykov – New documents about Lesia Ukrainka's connection with the Ukrainian revolutionary movement
V. Yu. Yevdokymenko – Socio-political views and activities of Lazar Baranovych
M. A. Lohvyn – I. P. Pavlov's struggle for materialistic ideas in neuropathology and psychiatry in the post-October period
D. V. Pustovalov – Materialism and dialectics in the writings of V. V. Dokuchaev
D. Kh. Ostrianyn – The Philosophical Significance of the Scientific Heritage of A. M. Beketov


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