Benedetto Croce's aesthetics in Dilo 1931, 10th December, pp. 2-3; 1931, 11th December, pp. 2-3


Mykhailo Rudnytskyi


Art, intuition, expression, work of art


The purpose of this article is to review the aesthetic doctrine of the Italian neo-Hegelian philosopher Benedetto Croce. The article consists of two parts, published on 10th and 11th December in the newspaper Dilo.

According to Rudnytskyi, for Croce art is an individual expression, where the impressions and feelings of the artist are the main elements of the work of art. Art is a form of knowing of the world through intuition. The author explains the difference between Croce's understanding of intuition and that of other philosophers. Rudnytskyi argues that according to Croce, art does not progress, so it is impossible to talk about the degree of perfection of the works of art. He also emphasises the differences Croce states between art and such disciplines as history, science, philosophy, pedagogy and rhetoric.

Rudnytskyi concludes that the contradiction between the absoluteness and conditionality of aesthetic judgements in Croce is explained by his Hegelian views.

Kateryna Skrypnyk


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August 10, 2024
