Introduction to natiology: Munich, UTGI, 1991-1992, 338 p.


Olherd-Ipolyt Bochkovskyi


Political philosophy, nation, national culture, Ukrainian philosophy



The author aims to consider the problematic concept of the nation and its right to scientific study. The author seeks to substantiate nationology as a science. For this purpose, he examines the emergence of the concept of nation in historical and geographical aspects. Having outlined nationology as a scientific method, the author sets a program for the implementation of nationology in life.





  1. Problems, tasks and beginnings of the science of the nation (nationology)
  2. National awakening and revival of Europe
  3. First attempts at national ideology and territory (Fichte, Palatskyi)
  4. National issue and science
  5. The science of the nation or a division of the problem of the nation between separate sciences? (F. J. Neuman, P. Sorokin, R. Kielln, S. I. Paprozki)
  6. Some peculiarities of the nation as an object of scientific research (People and the modern nation. Terminological chaos. The complexity of the essence of the nation. Ed.


  1. Is a special science about the nation possible and justified? (Specialization of sociology. Sociology and nation. The need and validity of natiology. The science of religion)
  2. Prehistory and stonemasons of nationology I. H. Herder. Germany. Austria-Hungary. Italy. The Italian "trinity". Mancini and Mamiani. Poland. Catalonia. (Fr. Pi-y-Margal). France. E. Renan. England. Russia (Herzen, M. Bakunin). Ukraine and nationology (M. Dragomaniv).
  3. War and national task. Governments and liberation struggle. Nationographic literature. Association and Congress of Enslaved Peoples. V. Vilson.
  4. T. G. Masaryk and the beginnings of nationology
  5. R. V. Seton-Votson and his nationological works on Austria-Hungary. (A review of the main works of this author. The nationological unmasking of Austria)
  6. Nationological weekly program: "New Europe". This magazine's view of the Ukrainian case and of Russia. Its critique of the methods of the Peace [Myrova] Conference)
  7. The spread of nationological studies during the world war. The nationological action of Germany. Zombart. F. Neumann "Central Europe". German nationological works. Nationological motives in German anthropogeographical publications. K. Renner. Samples of French, American and English nationological literature
  8. Ways of development of nationology after the wars. The awakening of colored humanity. Revisionism. Germany. Magazines and publications. Congresses of European national minorities. Austria. Poland. Czechoslovakia. France. England. USSR. Russian emigration and the national question. (P. Milyukov). Eurasianism. Italy. Jewish Scientific Institute. Nationology and emigration. Catalonia and Ukraine. Catalans. Ukrainians. Ukrainian emigration and nationology.
  9. Nationology and its architectonics. People and nation. Ethnology and nationology. Architectonics of nationology. The need for organization and coordination of nationologic research.
  10. Components and structure of the nation. Ethno- and nationogenetics
  11. General overview of world ethnogenesis (formation of the people). Human and society. Distribution of social- and ethnogenesis by continents.

III. Social structure of nation

  1. Grounds for distinguishing ethno- and nationogenesis
  2. The influence of social aspect on the formation and development of the people
  3. What is a nation?
  4. Elements of the nation
  5. Race and nation
  6. Nation and territory
  7. Nation and language
  8. Nation and culture
  9. Religion and nation
  10. The nation as a psycho-voluntarist community

III. Ethnopolitics

  1. Issues and tasks of ethnopolitics
  2. Nation and state
  3. Attempts at synthesis between the state and the nation
  4. Nationosophy
  5. Issues of nationosophy
  6. Pan-racism and pan-continentalism
  7. Nation and humanity
  8. Nationocracy


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