Mykola Berdyaev. On suicide In Dzvony, No 4-5, 1931, pp. 328-330.


Dmytro Chyzhevskyi


Existential philosophy, Christian philosophy, Ukrainian philosophy


 Dmytro Chyzhevskyi's review of Mykola Berdyayev's brochure "About suicide. Psychological sketch". He highlights the mystical aspect in Berdyaev's thinking. In Berdyaev's pamphlet, Chyzhevskyi highlights the idea of suicide as a despair and an overestimation of the world. Chyzhevskyi relates Berdyaev's statement about suicide as a sin against oneself to St. Thomas Aquinas. Chyzhevskyi highlights the fact that Berdyaev emphasised the importance of suffering and struggle for Christianity. 

Oleksandr Lukovyna


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August 10, 2024