At a Philosophical Crossroads (The crisis of phenomenology and critical realism in modern US bourgeois philosophy): Kyiv: Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR; The AS of the UkrSSR Publ., 1962, 160 p.


Ihor Bychko


The book criticizes the philosophy of "critical realism" and "phenomenology" — modern bourgeois schools of philosophy, the majority of whose representatives, speaking in words with the "denial" of idealism, actually defend the idealist point of view.
The author pays special attention to the views of R. V. Sellars, M. Farber, and V. J. McGill, who, having understood the theoretical sterility of idealism, opposed their colleagues in schools — idealists and switched to materialistic positions.
It is intended for students, teachers, scientists.

Introduction (3)
Chapter I. Changes in the social life of the USA in the 20th century and American bourgeois philosophy (10)
Modern American bourgeoisie against social progress (11)
Idealism "wears a mask" (21)
The growing role of subjective idealism in bourgeois philosophy. American "neorealism" (37)
Section II. Critical realism and materialist philosophy of R. W. Sellars
The emergence of the school of critical realism as a protest against the "subjectivism" of neorealists (48)
Idealistic interpretation of critical realism (56)
R. W. Sellars and his materialistic interpretation of critical realism (79)
"Evolutionary Naturalism" by R. W. Sellars (88)
Section III. Crisis of the phenomenological direction
Phenomenology of E. Husserl (102)
Development of subjective-idealistic aspects of phenomenology by American followers of Husserl (121)
M. Farber and his "naturalism" (129)
Philosophy of V. J. McGill and Marxism (139)
Afterword (146)


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April 2, 1962
