Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as a Science: Translated from German [by a group of participants of a philosophical seminar under the guidance of] Ivan Mirčuk. Lviv: Nedilya publ., 1930
transcendental philosophy, metaphysics, philosophical translation, theory of knowledgeSynopsis
The translation of Kant's "Prolegomena" was created by ten participants of the philosophical seminar of Professor Ivan Mirčuk at the Ukrainian Free University (Prague) under the scientific editing of the professor himself. According to I. Mirčuk, work on the translation was completed in 1925. However, the translation could not be published for a long time. Finally, in 1930, the Lviv publishing house "Nedilya" (1930) became the publisher that, according to I. Mirčuk, "out of idealism for science decided to take this risky step."
With this edition, the history of translations of Kant's works into Ukrainian begins.
The translation was imperfect in many respects and already in 1931 faced sharp criticism. In 2004, it was republished by UFU, but in a new edition(!). We also include this edition, which is interesting in its way, alongside the original.
Two early reviews of this translation, as well as biographical notes on some of the members of the team that worked on it, were published in the Sententiae journal: