Filosofska Dumka [Philosophical Thought] 1973 No1: Kyiv: Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR; Naukova Dumka Pub., 1973, 135 p.


Volodymyr Kutsenko



Yu. S. Golubushin, Yu. P. Lebedinsky—Internationalization of Economy of the Soviet Republics.

V. I. Bogdanovich (Odessa), V. T. Kulik, A. I. Uyomov (Odessa)—On Development and Practical Use pi System Approach.

A. I. Gorak — On Cognitive Significance of Social Consciousness Forms.

E. G. Fedorenko, A. I. Smolnyakov (Poltava)—On Specificity of Professional Ethics.

V. S. Lutai — Thought Constructs and Logical Deduction of Knowledge.

V. M. Sviridenko — Measuring Procedures and Problem of Knowledge Precision.

N. P. Depenchuk — Reductionism and Problem of Theoreti- zation of Biology.

Yu. G. Ponomarenko — Theoretical and Cognitive Aspects of Chemical Research.

T. A. Kolomiyets — Englithened Humanism in P. A. Holbach’s Creative Work. On the 250th Anniversary of the Thinkers Birth.

P. S. Dyshlevy, V. I. Kuznetsov — Mikolay Kopernik and Modern Physical Picture of the Universe. On the 500th Anniversary of Birth of the Scientist.


I. D. Remezovsky, Yu. D. Prilyuk — The USSR Formation — Triumph of the Lenin National Policy.

V. N. Mazur – Discussion of the Problems of Socialist Internationalism and Soviet Patriotism.

I. P. Stogny — Republican Conference Dedicated to the 250th Anniversary of G. S. Scovoroda’s Birth.


A. D. Kardash, l. E. Gorodisky – V. I. Lenin and Methodological Problems of Modern Science.

V. S. Pazenok – ln Struggle against Anti-Communism.

V. F. Zhmyr — Problems of Socialist Society Development.

A. S. Onishchenko – Gnoseological Analysis of the Ordinary Religious Conscilousness.


L. K. Kulichenko (Moscow) – Antihistorism of Ratiovitalism. Critical Analysis of Philosophical and Historical Conception of Ortega y Gasset.

G. A. Zaichenko (Dnepropetrovsk) – L. Witgenstem and Crisis of Positivistic Methodology of Cognition.


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January 12, 1973
