History of new philosophy (Translated from the German by Mykola Zalizniak): Kyiv-Lviv, «Ukrayins'ko-rus'ka vydavnycha spilka», 1913


Wilhelm Windelband
Mykola Zalizniak


The Ukrainian translation of the «Die neuere Philosophie», authored by the German neo-Kantian philosopher, historian of philosophy and one of the most prominent representatives of the Baden School Wilhelm Windelband, was made by Mykola Zalizniak on the order of the «Ukrayins'ko-rus'ka vydavnycha spilka» (Kyiv-Lviv, 1913).


According to the translator's preface, Windelband's text was translated from the original source that contains in one of the volumes of the large-scale book series «Die Kultur der Gegenwart» (1905-1926; Hrsg. Paul Hinneberg). «Die neuere Philosophie», the original name of Windelband's text, is a section of the volume «Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie», which was first published in 1909 and republished in 1913 and 1923 as part of the volume's reprints. Considering the possible time of this translation, we assume that it was based on the 1909 edition [Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie, S. 382-543].


Ryenat Shvets


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January 1, 1913
