Genesis of forms and laws of thinking: Kyiv, Vydavnytstvo AN URSR (Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR), 1962, 126 p.


Sergii Krymskyi


The book addresses a number of problems of dialectical logic. The main stages of the evolution of logical forms and laws in the process of anthropogenesis and the development of social and historical practice are analyzed. Hypotheses on the dating of their appearance and the ways of forming the linguistic and logical structure of twentieth-century thought are formulated. The author analyses the thesis on unity of logic, theory of knowledge and dialectics in Marxist theory, and the transformation of the "practical" into the "logical". The study is based on the Soviet understanding of Marxism, dialectics and social relations and contrasts itself with Western philosophical movements such as logical positivism or neo-positivism. The study addresses data from the history of language, ontogenesis of psyche, physiology, anthropology, ethnography, cultural history, cybernetics and the natural sciences.



 Some ideological and theoretical issues of the genesis of logical figures

Dialectical nature of forms of thinking

Objective foundations of logical forms

Regularities of the process of the formation of logical forms and the principle of unity of logic, theory of knowledge and dialectics

Method of studying the historical evolution of logical forms

Development of thinking in the course of anthropogenesis

Concrete-effective thinking and its specificity

Features of the formation of logical forms in the early stages of the development of thinking

Evolution of logical forms in the process of development of theoretical thinking

Development of concepts

Development of propositions

Development of inferences

The problem of the becoming of logical laws


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October 1, 1962
