Pid marksystsko-leninskym praporom [Under the Marxist-Leninist Banner], 1936 No2: Kharkiv: Partvydav TsK KP(b)U, 1936, 141 p.
Socialist construction
А. Nebii. The Stakhanovite movement and the organisation of workers' wages
I. Brivko. Kolkhozrs in the struggle for agrotechnics
Ways of the Great Proletarian Revolution in Ukraine
M. Tregubenko. To the question of the December 1905 armed uprising in Ukraine
I. Freiman. The national and colonial question in the decisions of the VII Congress of the Comintern
M. Yushmanov. Kautskyi in the struggle against dialectical materialism
К. Sizonov. Engels on the state
Academic chronicle
P. Kharchenko, V. Podosetnik. On the results of the first conference of young scientists of Ukraine
Criticism and bibliography
А. Shevchenko. A book about great victories (review of the book – "Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR in the First Five-Year Plan". Sotsekvydav, 1935, 288 p., price 5 karbovanets).