From the history of philosophical thought in Ukraine: Kyiv, Naukova Dumka [Scientific thought], 1965, 191p.


V. Yu. Yevdokymenko et al. (ed.)


History of Ukrainian philosophy, Institute of philosophy, history of philosophy in USSR, marxism, Soviet philosophy


The collection is explores the history of the development of Marxist-Leninist philosophy in Ukraine during the years of Soviet government. It examines the problems of the development of dialectical and historical materialism, natural science, ethics and aesthetics, history of philosophy, and highlights the struggle of Ukrainian Soviet philosophers and scientists for the establishment and development of Marxist philosophy in Ukraine.

Yevdokymenko's article argues that the Communist Party of Ukraine raised and resolved issues of theory and practice of socialist construction and made efforts to introduce the Marxist worldview to the masses.

Potapchuk's article aims to analyse Skrypnyk's theoretical debate with Ukrainian Soviet philosophers on the principles of dialectical materialism. It also illustrates Skrypnyk's role in justifying of the Leninist stage in Marxist philosophy.

Ivanyo illustrates the notion of content and form in terms of Marxist aesthetics and contrasts it with the theories of futurists, constructivists, formalists, etc.

Lukerenko reviews the formation of the moral foundations of the socialist family in the transition from capitalism to socialism and criticises the distortion of Marxist-Leninist views on marriage and family relations.

Sundyrieva's article reviews and criticises Ukrainian biologists and philosophers who use the methodology of Darwinism in their scientific research.

Horskyi's article reviews the formation of the Marxist methodology for the study of philosophical interrelation and reveals the evolution of views on the role of the element in the system of philosophical interrelation.

Hubenko highlights some considerations regarding theoretical issues that arise in the process of studying the category of quality in Ukraine in the post-war period.

Romenets tries to reveal the achievements of Ukrainian science in the development of the psychological and moral structure of the act and the stages of its implementation.

Shpak's article reveals the methods and political goals of the falsifiers of Shevchenko's philosophical views.

Pochapskyi's article reviews the activities of S. Tudor, V. Levynskyi and other authors who criticized subjectivist epistemology in the 1920s and 1930s.

Proniuk's article clarifies the definitions, assessments and roles of socio-political movements in the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement in the 70s of the nineteenth century and reviews the activities of V. Navrotskyi and O. Terletskyi.

Denysenko's article explores the worldviews of Vyshenskyi, Skovoroda and other philosophers and thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Yushmanov's article describes the emergence of philosophical institutions in Ukraine and provides sources on various issues of Marxist-Leninist philosophy in the 1920s and 1930s.

The collection is intended for students, university professors and researchers, and all those interested in the history of philosophy in Ukraine.

Kateryna Skrypnyk


Editorial board: V. Yu. Yevdokymenko (executive editor), I. P. Golovakha, V. I. Hubenko, V. S. Dmytrychenko, I. V. Ivanyo, M. M. Oleksiuk, O. Ya. Pavelko


V. Yu. Yevdokymenko – The Communist party of Ukraine in the struggle for the establishment of Marxist-Leninist ideology in Ukraine in the 20s
V. F. Potapchuk – Issues of Marxist-Leninist theory in the works of M. O. Skrypnyk
I. V. Ivanyo – The issues of content and form in the research on aesthetics in the 20s
V. L. Lukerenko – From the history of sociological research of marriage and family in Ukraine (20-30s)
M. I. Sundyrieva – To the question of the development of the methodology of Darwinism in Ukraine
V. S. Horskyi – From the history of the study of philosophical interrelations (Some methodological issues)
V. I. Hubenko – The study of the category of quality by Ukrainian philosophers in the post-war period
V. A. Romenets – The act and the problem of determinism in national psychology
V. T. Shpak – Against the modern bourgeois falsifiers of Taras Shevchenko's philosophical views
А. M. Pochapskyi – The struggle against the idealistic gnoseology of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists in Western Ukraine (20-30s)
Ye. V. Proniuk – Ideological struggle in Galicia in the 70s of the XIX century in the coverage of Soviet researchers
M. S. Denysenko – Studies of the history of philosophy of the XVII-XVIII centuries in the works of Ukrainian Soviet scholars
М. Z. Yushmanov – Materials for the history of philosophical institutions in Ukraine
Brief review of the literature


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August 11, 2024
